Chief Justice Nathan Hecht | Justice Brett Busby | Justice Jane Bland |
Justice Jeffrey S. Boyd | Sen. Larry Taylor | Sen. Jane Nelson |
Sen. Lois Kolkorst | Sen. Peter Flores | Sen. Brian Birdwell |
Sen. Dawn Buckingham | Eddie Lucio | Rep. Cecil Bell, Jr. |
Rep Cole Hefner | Rep Travis Clardy | Rep. John Raney |
Rep. John Cyrier | Rep. Ernest Bailes | Rep. Terry Wilson |
Rep. Greg Bonnen, MD | Rep. Jacey Jetton | Rep. Gary Gates |
Rep. Ed Thompson | Rep. Ryan Guillen | Rep. Todd Hunter |
Rep. Justin Holland | Rep. John Kuempel | Justin Berry for TX HD 47 |
Rep. Andrew Murr | Rep. Brad Buckley | Rep. Charles "Doc" Anderson |
Rep. Trent Ashby | Rep. DeWayne Burns | Rep. Phil King |
Rep. Reggie Smith | Rep. Tan Parker | Image 0.0x0.0 (2) |
Rep. Matt Shaheen | Rep. Jeff Leech | Rep. Drew Springer |
Rep. Scott Sanford | Rep Stan Lambert | Rep. John Frullo |
Rep. Phil Stephenson | Rep. Candy Noble | Rep. Matt Krause |
David Cook | Rep. Craig Goldman | Rep. Giovanni Capriglione |
Rep, Charlie Geren | Linda Koop | Rep. Jared Patterson |
Rep. Morgan Meyer | Rep. Angie Chen Button | Rep. Steve Allison |
Rep. Lyle Larson | Rep. Sam Harless | Rep. Dennis Paul |
Rep. Tom Oliverson | Mike Schofield | Rep. Jim Murphy |
Lawrence "Larry" Doss |
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Because there are several contested candidates this year, we are listing those candidates we have endorsed who have an opponent.